United in the Word to Serve the Lord 


Worship-10:00 AM each Sunday

Sunday School, Teen Bible Class and Adult Bible Class each Sunday September - May

Confirmation Classes- 7 & 8th Grade students of Trinity Lutheran School


Confirmation Classes are provided for grades 6th-8th who are not enrolled at Trinity Lutheran School.


Contact us for information regarding Weddings and Baptisms.

Who are we?

We are a group of about 200 christians located in Hoskins, Nebraska.

Mission Statement

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and School exists to equip people of all ages through Word and Sacrament so that they may live for our Savior and “Go and make disciples of all nations.”

Together we operate

  • Trinity Lutheran Church
  • Trinity Lutheran School teaching Kindergarten- Grade 4
  • Trinity Lutheran Preschool Preschool 

 Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod

  • To Train Future Pastors and Teachers
  • To provide the tools needed by the church of tomorrow
  • Take the Word to the World

Where are we?

Located in Hoskins a 1/2 Mile from Hyw. 35 in Northeast Nebraska

10 Miles from Norfolk, Nebraska

7 Miles from Woodland Park

12 Miles from Winside, Nebraska


Our Sunday morning services begin at 10 AM.


Follow us on facebook @https://www.facebook.com/trinityinhoskins/


You can stream videos of our worship services by clicking on the links below.  

Jesus wants to keep you safe - eternally safe in Him!

Our second mid-week lenten service reminded us that Jesus showed restraint in the midst of his trial where he was truly being treated unjustly so he calls on us to restrain ourselves so that we may let God's love show in our words and actions even when we are going through unjust trials in our life.

Most of the time when a person has absolute authority it does not end well.  When that person is Jesus it is always a blessiing to us.

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A member congregation of WELS